Overview: Groups


Groups are a convenient way for you to organize and assign training for multiple users. These typically include Employee and Manager Groups, along with Groups for state-specific courses.

Creating Groups
  1. Go to your Company Settings tab > Click the Groups Button
  2. Click "Add Group"
  3. Enter a Group Name
  4. The "Welcome Message" will appear as a pop up each time a user in this Group logs into their account (this feature is optional)
  5. Click "Add"
  6. On the following page, select the desired course(s) and due dates (Due dates are optional, but recommended. Email reminders will not be sent for courses without a due date.)
  7. Click "Save"

You will now be able to add users to this group


Please make sure to ONLY select course/s you wish Users assigned to this group to receive. If you select multiple versions of the same course, the system will try and assign each selected course to users in this group. For example, do not assign both the Employee and Manager versions of a. course in the Employees Group.
Modifying Groups
  1. Go to your Groups Page and find the Group you wish to update
  2. Click the "Modify" button
  3. The resulting page list will show the courses and due dates currently assigned to the Group, as well as other available courses
  4. Make the desired updates, such as adding more courses or modifying due dates
  5. When you are done, click Save > a pop up will appear

Clicking "Yes" will 'push' out any changes you have made to all Learners who are currently in this Group, and may modify current course assignments.

Clicking "No" will not push these changes out to existing Learners, but any new Learners added in the future to these Groups will receive this new set of courses and due dates.

Searching & Filtering by Group
You can filter for specific Groups on both your Users and Dashboard tabs.
  1. Go to your Users or Dashboard Tab
  2. Click the "Advanced Filters" drop down menu
  3. Select the "Groups" drop down menu to filter for a desired group
  4. Apply the filter
Setting Due Dates by Group
Due Dates are set via a time interval from the date of course assignment:
  1. Click the drop down menu (default value is "none") and select the appropriate timeframe (Days, Weeks, or Months)
  2. Enter a value in the adjacent field
  3. Save your changes