Course Loading: Troubleshooting

If you are having issues with the loading your course, please see below for examples.

Course never Loads (continuous "loading" screen)



Firewall is blocking content. These would include network firewalls, VPNs, Citrix and other 3rd part traffic controllers.


Allow access to the course assets below:


These are not "clickable links" but the domain for specific course assets. If possible, contact your IT department to enable access.

It's not unusual for playability problems to be traced to use of a corporate VPN. If you have a VPN and have the option of avoiding its use,  that could be a good option. Be sure any VPN changes are permitted by your organization.

Network Error or other Error Message



Network is unable to access the video content.


Course playback is choppy (loading wheel will appear throughout the course)



Network bandwidth is unable to support streaming


  • Use a network connection that can support streaming

  • If viewing a video course (not Interactive eLearning), set the Media Player to "secondary". The video will begin to stream a lower quality video

  • Bandwidth Requirements:
    • Minimum: 3 Mbps downstream and 1 Mbps Upstream
    • Recommended: 5+ Mbps Downstream and 1+ Mbps Upstream
Access Denied Error Message



A network or system firewall is blocking the course from loading


  • Disable the firewall, these can include VPN or other 3rd party applications.  It's not unusual for playability problems to be traced to use of a corporate VPN. If you have a VPN and have the option of avoiding its use,  that could be a good option. Be sure any VPN changes are permitted by your organization.
  • Allow access to the course assets below:

  • Use a different device and network