Overview: Company Settings


Your Company Settings tab has General Settings that you can customize, including your logo, Group course assignments, Emails, and Locations.

Details Groups Email Settings & History Locations

Company Name

Your organization's name is shown as it appears in our system and on your users’ certificates of completion. (If necessary, you can have this changed or updated by calling your Client Services Representative.)

Contact Administrators

These are administrators who have designated as your Primary or Secondary Contacts for your account. Contact Administrators will receive system-generated email updates from your account. (You can designate an admin as a Primary or Secondary contact from their User Details page.)

Enforce Password Change Policy

The Password Change Policy provides an extra layer of security and will prompt users to change their Auto-Generated or Admin-Generated password upon login. If you would like to have users set their own password upon login, please enable this feature.

Logo & Policy

  • You can upload your organization's logo here, and it will appear in the top menu as well as your Learners' Certificates of Completion
  • If you have purchased access to Interactive eLearning courses, you can also upload your organization's harassment policy here, and it will be automatically integrated into the course Downloads page for your Learners. You will also be able to modify the "Ask a Question" pop-up text, which should inform your Learners who to contact within your organization for questions about your organization's harassment policies.
    • Notes: You may have different courses that would require different Policies and Text. If available, click the Policy Type drop down menu to select the appropriate course to upload the needed document and text to.
  • Logo files must be in JPG or PNG format, and the Policy must be a PDF

Retraining Frequency

In many cases Learners will need to be re-trained for either State of Organization requirements. You can adjust the Retraining Frequency to provide the correct retraining timeframes for your organization.

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