Overview: Locations


Locations are an optional way to help organize and administer your training account. If you have a large number of Learners and would like to add another searchable filter, settings Locations is a good option.

"Location" is an alias that can be relabeled to anything you like, such as "Division" or "Branch."

Setting a "Location" to a learner will:

  • Appear in reports for Administrators
  • Provide the ability to attach a specific policy and "Ask a Question" text for users in this location (if applicable)
  • Enabled the "Limited Admin" feature

Limited Admins have similar access as Client Admins, but limited to a particular Location. They can add users, assign courses, and view Dashboard reports, but only for users within their particular Location.

Creating/Modifying a Location

You can create locations either via the "Locations" page or on uploading users in bulk via spreadsheet. To create locations manually:

  1. Go to Company Settings > Locations
  2. Type in a new Location name > Click "Add Location"
  3. To modify a current Location:
    • Scroll and click on the desired Location name
    • This will populate the Location information at the top of the page
    • Make the desired update and click the "Update" button.