Go to your Users Tab > Click the "Add User" button
- Select "Add User" to add a single user
- Select "Upload Users" to upload users in bulk
- Note: the below steps are to add users individually, for directions on adding users in bulk, see: Bulk Upload
Enter the User's information
- Name (First + Last)
- Email address
If user doesn't have an email, check the box that reads "No email". Then you will need to enter a set User ID and pre-set a Password for the Learner. Make sure the user ID is unique (for example, jsmith and arodriguez are likely already taken).
- User ID (only used if no email is entered. Must be a unique login that is not already in use)
- Alternate ID: (optional, used to help track employee records in other HR systems, i.e., employee number for reporting)
- Group Assignment (optional, however this will dictate user course assignment and due date)
- Location (optional)
- Password (optional unless no email is entered)
- Contain at least eight (8) alphanumeric characters, one of which must be a number
- Contain both upper and lowercase letters
- Contain at least one special character (e.g., $%^&*()_+|~-=\`{}[]:";'<>?,/).
Click Save
- If a Group was selected: The system will prompt you to Approve and Notify your Learner. If you wish to send the user their Notification email, click "OK". If you wish to Notify them at a later time, select "Approve without sending".
- If no Group was selected: You will be taken the the Course Assignments page where you can assign courses and set due dates for this Learner. On Saving, you will be prompted to Approve and Notify the Learner as above.
Additional Information
Status: You can tell if a user has been Approved and Notified via the "Status" column of your Users tab - if you see icons with green checkmarks for the user, this indicates if the user has been Approved and Notified.