SCORM Troubleshooting:
Course isn't Bookmarking (saving progress)
If you are able to load the course, however course tracking (Bookmarking) isn't working properly, please make sure you are not running a VPN or other network controller. The system is able to access course assets, however it is not communicating with the outside server. Please allow access to enable Bookmarking.
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Course Doesn't "Complete" in LMS Records
- Course doesn't complete for any Learner: An LMS can vary the conditions to record a completion, updates to your SCORM file maybe be needed. Please contact Kantola Customer Success for assistance using the Request button below.
- Course doesn't complete for a sub-set of Learners: If a course DOES complete for users in your system, but not all Users. The issue will be due to a firewall or other communication issue between the Learner and LMS. This is usually due to a VPN preventing two way communication.
LMS Requires additional assets (course image/description)
Please contact your Account Manager or Kantola Customer Success Team using the Request button below.
PDF files inside the course will not download
Interactive course/s contain PDF files appropriate for the topic and jurisdiction. If you have difficulties downloading the files, please try the below:
- Allow access to download PDF files via your browser
- Try a different web browser
- In some cases a firewall or network setting might prevent PDFs from being downloaded. Please confirm with your internal IT department, as they would need to allow access
Unable to access course/website message
Courses content is streamed from outside sources. If any of these sources are blocked or throttled, you will have difficulties playing your course/s. To resolve, please "safelist" the below Domains (please note these are not clickable links, but Domains to safelist)
Verify if the domains below are "Safelist" by your IT team:
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Course Buffering or Slow Playback
If you are experiencing long buffering times when attempting to play the course. The issues could either be due to poor network conditions or throttled network bandwidth. Please ensure that any VPN is disabled (with our IT approval) and network bandwidth is able to stream video content. Please see below for Network Bandwidth Requirements:
- Minimum: 3 Mbps downstream and 1 Mbps Upstream
- Recommended: 5+ Mbps Downstream and 1+ Mbps Upstream
Course plays for me, but doesn't play for other Learners
The network you are behind likly has “groups” or “profiles” established in their firewall rulesets. For example, Students might have more restrictive rules than Teachers. Or employees in the company’s CA locations might have more permissions than those in the company’s NY Locations. Please be sure to have "safelisted" the necessary Domain/s across all User Levels within your network to allow access for all needed Learners.
My video course won't play (Video based course/s only - does not apply to interactive eLearning course/s)
If you're video based SCORM course won't play, please attempt to load the course and click the "Check Settings" button on the course window. Please take a screenshot of the output and send it to the Kantola Support team for additional assistance.
My course won't advanced past a specific slide.
If you are having difficulty advancing through the course, there could be network firewalls that are blocking content. Suggestions to resolve include:
- Allow access to needed course content from below domains
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- Try a different web browser
- Try a different device and network
If you continue to have difficulty, please contact Kantola Support using the button below.
Browser Related Troubleshooting
If you are having trouble with a course, please try a different web browser. Kantola Training courses will work on all major browsers. Click below to review a list of compatible web browsers: